Action Group
for Orphans
About Us
MAGO is an organization founded in Toronto in 2017. We have built tens of wells, provided shelter or aid to areas devastated by natural disasters, and provided a monthly stipend of gluten-free products for children with Celiac Disease in impoverished regions.
What We Do
Since 2017, Multicultural Action Group for Orphans (MAGO) has sought to build a better world for children whose worlds are devastated. Based in Toronto, Canada, our reach and love for children transcends borders and drives the core of our work. We provide services to children living in deprived parts of the world, mostly in Iran.
MAGO’s Campaigns
Water Supply
Access to clean water is not only an inalienable right, it is also a necessary fundamental of development and infrastructure. Over the years MAGO has been able to supply thousands of people with clean drinking water right to their homes.
Celiac Project
Over 3000 children in the Sistan and Baluchistan provinces were condemned to premature death by starvation because they suffer from Celiac Disease. Unfortunately, in remote and impoverished areas in Iran, the only stable source of food is bread and this proves deadly for those suffering from Celiac disease.
Charity Therapy
Orphans and children from impoverished families often suffer from easily treatable diseases. These children often live in excruciating pain or severe impediments to their lives. Our agents in Iran often inform us if they find any such cases in the rural villages where we operate.